11. AngleMeasurePrograms (ProductType)
By sending different Product and Sensor Parameters to the camera you can activate different Jobs and Tasks (ProductType
For example:
ProductType 1002: Measure the MDT (mounting detection tool) and give the values R, X, Angle
ProductType 1: Measure the angle in a ROI (region of interest)
ProductType 0: Do nothing
To start a job do the following steps:
stop the sensor from the actual job (CMD_STOP)
put the plate material or MDT (depending on the job) inside the machine
send the product parameters to the sensor (CMD_RECEIVE_PRODUCT_DATA)
send the sensor parameters to the sensor (CMD_RECEIVE_SENSOR_DATA)
receive the results (the camera sends results after every scan until you stop it)
maybe ignore the first 5 - 10 angles, as they are not that accurate because of auto exposure adaption
Set the necessary step (parameter ID) with the STRING command:
Parameter ID | ID | Effect |
CMD_STOP | 0 | Stop image acquisition and set NbrLines to 0 |
CMD_RECEIVE_PRODUCT_DATA | 40 | Send product parameter from Host to Camera |
CMD_RECEIVE_SENSOR_DATA | 43 | Send sensor parameter from Host to Camera |
It is possible, to send one, more or all parameters in one “STRING” command. Just terminate every parameter by Line Feed (0x0A) or NULL (0x00) or “\n”.
Attention: Please take care, that you send the parameters to both sensors (front and back) by using the individual sensor IP.
Instead of sending the different parameter settings all the time, you can predefine the main parameters in a sensor and product file.
But we recommend to send all the parameters every time, as it takes barley longer and is less error-prone.
The sensor parameters at: /etc/vcnano3dz-server/VC3DPar.txt
The product parameters at: /etc/vcnano3dz-server/ProdPar.txt
If necessary, you can do one or up to four jobs in one scan (J00 .. J03).